WP rail

























The Concept 32 Telephone Concentrator System














The 'CONCEPT 32' Telephone Concentrator system has been designed to meet the exacting requirements of Rail Administrations, especially when working in an electrified environment.


The CONCEPT 32 system is used to control a number of remote telephones via a single control point from where each telephone may be called individually.


CONCEPT 32 applications include control of Signal Post


Telephones (SPT's) located at:


• Signals • Point zones or ground frames • Level crossings • Station platforms


In addition, the system may provide extensions to a customer's private or Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN). The CONCEPT 32 system is particularly useful where a number of telephones need to be provided over a large area for emergency communications, such as major highways or railway networks. Telephone Concentrator Concept 32 is approved under Section 22 of the Telecommunications Act 1984. A BABT approved version of the Telephone Interface (TIF) card and Auto Line card is available, and these cards also allow connection to the PSTN.


Absolute security of speech is fundamental to the design. The called, calling or connected party is positively identified and only one line can be connected at any time. A third party cannot overhear a call, and call security is provided by relay inter-locking which is monitored by a  microprocessor. Inherent in the design is high reliability, simplicity of operation and ease of maintenance.




System Configuration

The CONCEPT 32 is designed as a modular system suitable for mounting in an industry standard 19" rack or cubicle with up to 32 telephone circuits per shelf. The equipment is powered from an external –50V dc or optional 240V ac supply with 12 hour battery back-up. The CONCEPT 32 system consists of the following components:


• A 6U high 19" modular Concentrator shelf


• One Telephone Interface (TIF) card


• One PSU/Services card


• Line cards – up to 8 cards (providing 32 lines) per shelf


• Operator's Interface (Keyboard or Keypanel)


The CONCEPT 32 design offers a flexible communication system that is capable of handling a variety of line signalling conditions:


• Central Battery (CB)


• Local Battery (LB – typically Magneto)


• Auto DTMF (including PSTN)


• Two-wire E&M for interface to carrier derived circuits


Both CB and LB circuits may be designated for Auto Half Barrier (AHB) or other emergency circuit operation, with latching of calling indication and a separate distinctive audible calling alarm. A mix of signalling types may be used in one equipment shelf, and each port is provided with protection against high voltages, for example from lightning or induced traction current. LED's on each circuit card show the system activity and a display shows any system fault conditions. Fault alarms are extended via a voltage free contact to the operator consoles or other locations.




System Circuit Capacity

The CONCEPT 32 system is based on a modular design with a normal capacity of up to 32 circuits per shelf. Keypanels can support upto 256 lines. Enhanced wiring will permit a single Concentrator shelf to be extended up to a maximum of 40 circuits.


Telephone Interface (TIF) Card.


The TIF card provides the system intelligence by which the Operator controls and communicates with the system. It controls:


• All the line cards


• The Operator's Console interface


• The interface circuits to the Operator's handset


System alarms are detected and displayed on the TIF card in the form of coded characters on a hexadecimal LED display. The TIF card provides the RS232 data links to the Operator's console to allow extended operation up to 100 metres. (To increase this range line drivers can be used).






Operator's Interface


The Operator's interface may consist of free-standing keyboards, or custom console mounted keypanels consisting of non-latching push-buttons with integral high intensity LED illumination. The push-buttons are arranged in a matrix of 8 rows or columns, and each button corresponds to a dedicated line circuit. The identity or location of each external telephone may be shown on the push-button by a clear or coloured transparency insert. The allocation of line circuits to push-buttons may be specified by the User.





A number of alarm keys are incorporated on every Operator's Interface:


• Lamp Test - allows a confidence check to be carried out at any time.


• Charger Fail - provides a visual indication of the PSU/charger condition.


• Call Tech - provides a visual indication of a system fault


requiring the operator to notify the relevant Maintenance Authority.


The internal alarm sounders may be extended via rear panel


connectors to drive remote alarms if required.




Connections, Power & Environmental


The Operator's Interfaces are connected to the CONCEPT 32 via an RS232 link. Cables terminate at the console on a 25 way 'D' type socket and also a 25 way D at the Concentrator.


Telephone line connections between the CONCEPT 32 equipment rack or cubicle and the Main Distribution Frame (MDF) is made using multipair cable and is terminated on krone connectors at both ends.


Power requirements:

DC Input –44V to –56V (positive battery earthed) or AC mains input 240V/110V nominal +/-10% at 50Hz

Environmental Specification:

Temperature: -10 Deg C to +45 Deg C

Humidity: 0 to 95% (non-condensing)


Standards and Approvals

All STS Rails' concentrator systems are CE approved and comply

with Safety Standards: EN 60950:2000, EMC Standards

EN50121-4:2000 and R&TTE Standard R&TTE(1999/5/EC).